Tuesday, April 29, 2008

PLASTIC surgeon results . . .

Well we went to the plastic surgeon two hours from home and were 30 minutes late because we were TOTALLY lost. Luckily they could still see us. (Can you imagine going that far and then having to re-schedule!?!) But, they looked at her finger and think it will be just fine and that the skin should grow back over it. So the PLASTIC surgeon put a band-aid on it and called it good! (Way worth the trip?) Oh well, I obeyed my doctor and did what I was told (and luckily we have met our deductible so the trip was free, except to mention the GAS!) Oh well, we will watch it and make sure she can move it well and be happy that she didn't need too much work. Keep your littles away from your exercise equipment :)

1 comment:

Chris and Tarisa Todd Family said...

That sounds really bad. I am glad everything seems to be coming together! We need to have another Eden party soon.