Thursday, April 17, 2008

Alkalizing this week . . .

Okay, so your assignment this week is to eat your veggies! Check out the link to the right for a list of acidic and alkalizing foods (we want the ones on the alkalizing side). I have been drinking distilled water with a little bit of baking soda in it (not enough to taste it). I do feel better and leaner, but the scale isn't really reflecting it :( I have also been eating vegis and foods that have not been so "processed".

So I am thinking we should have a biggest loser contest. So tomorrow, just for pure embarrassment I am going to post my current weight and measurements online so that I can do it each week and watch my results. Hopefully they will go down and not up! Anyways, not very helpful today sorry! The baby was crying all day and it takes it out of you, but I love her :) I think I'll go and eat some low fat yogurt :) ha ha ha, ta ta for now!

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