I just wanted to let you know that we are putting together a ward cookbook for our girl's camp fundraiser. If anyone is interested in buying one (cuz I sure love the neighborhood cookbooks) then let me know. They are $18 and well done. (I should know since I have been typing it up for the past couple days). Okay THANKS! You can just post a comment or email me.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
PLASTIC surgeon results . . .
Well we went to the plastic surgeon two hours from home and were 30 minutes late because we were TOTALLY lost. Luckily they could still see us. (Can you imagine going that far and then having to re-schedule!?!) But, they looked at her finger and think it will be just fine and that the skin should grow back over it. So the PLASTIC surgeon put a band-aid on it and called it good! (Way worth the trip?) Oh well, I obeyed my doctor and did what I was told (and luckily we have met our deductible so the trip was free, except to mention the GAS!) Oh well, we will watch it and make sure she can move it well and be happy that she didn't need too much work. Keep your littles away from your exercise equipment :)
Monday, April 28, 2008
Princess Glove Update . . .
We took our little princess into the doctor this morning to have her finger looked at and they are sending us to a plastic surgeon. They think she may need some skin grafting! (I am sure that is spelled wrong) So we are a little nervous about that but she is sending us to a child plastic surgeon who specializes in hands (we couldn't ask for better). She said that the reason she isn't hurting REALLY bad is because the nerve endings are gone AWWHHHHH! So we are saying our prayers and hoping they can fix it so that her finger will work right as she grows! Thanks to everyone for their concern. She is a trooper!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Treadmill DANGER . . . .
Well, we spent last night in the ER. Our little princess was playing in the room while daddy was cooling down on the treadmill from a run when she got too close and must have put her finger on the treadmill . . . it took the hide off of the inside of her pinkie finger. They call it "de-gloving" YUCK! I freaked a little and called my mother in law and she came over and we decided to take her into the hospital. Her finger didn't even bleed it had gone so deep. We were worried we could see bone so we packed the car with me, hubby, princess and cowgirl. Grandma stayed with the baby. They took x-rays and nothing is broken. They wrapped it up good and sent us home, we have to go back in a couple of days to check up on it. In the mean time, little princess is as happy as can be! Can you believe it! She hardly cried, she said the machine hurt me, and she didn't even cry when they had to clean it out good. We told her that she was getting a princess glove, and oh my, that tickled her pink! So here's the picture of our little princess showing off her new princess glove! I am sure glad she has such a great spirit to keep the rest of us sain at times like these.
Friday, April 18, 2008
The Moment of Truth . . .
Okay, so it's time to come clean with my "measurements". I am hoping that by posting this it will be the last I see of them :)
My current weight is: (I should have weighed myself in the morning!) 127 lbs
My Bust size: 35 inches
My waist is: 33 inches (at least it is smaller than my chest now, he he he)
My hips are: 38 inches (better to have babies with)
Now at 5 foot nothin' that needs some improvement. Not a ton of work, but work all the same. My goal weight it 108-111 lbs. This is what I weighed before I had Katie, so I know I am setting my hopes high, but hey you know the saying if you don't shoot for the stars . . . .
K, I know I'm crazy . . . but for some reason I think this bit of honesty will help me.
My current weight is: (I should have weighed myself in the morning!) 127 lbs
My Bust size: 35 inches
My waist is: 33 inches (at least it is smaller than my chest now, he he he)
My hips are: 38 inches (better to have babies with)
Now at 5 foot nothin' that needs some improvement. Not a ton of work, but work all the same. My goal weight it 108-111 lbs. This is what I weighed before I had Katie, so I know I am setting my hopes high, but hey you know the saying if you don't shoot for the stars . . . .
K, I know I'm crazy . . . but for some reason I think this bit of honesty will help me.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Alkalizing this week . . .
Okay, so your assignment this week is to eat your veggies! Check out the link to the right for a list of acidic and alkalizing foods (we want the ones on the alkalizing side). I have been drinking distilled water with a little bit of baking soda in it (not enough to taste it). I do feel better and leaner, but the scale isn't really reflecting it :( I have also been eating vegis and foods that have not been so "processed".
So I am thinking we should have a biggest loser contest. So tomorrow, just for pure embarrassment I am going to post my current weight and measurements online so that I can do it each week and watch my results. Hopefully they will go down and not up! Anyways, not very helpful today sorry! The baby was crying all day and it takes it out of you, but I love her :) I think I'll go and eat some low fat yogurt :) ha ha ha, ta ta for now!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Heavenly Beings???????
OK so I have to share this picture I took. Last Tuesday I went with my sister in law and her YW group and we took some pictures of each girl at the Ogden Temple. When there was a break in the girls I looked up and took a picture of the temple. In the picture (as I hope you can see) there is tons of white circles all around the building. I didn't shoot into the sun, my lens was clean. The picture before it and the picture after it had no spots. I have seen some "ghost" shows and they have pictures people took and they say these white orbs are spirits, but as I looked in my viewfinder I got chills up my spine to see, what I think, are hundreds of spirits surrounding the temple. It may be just a fluke thing, but to me it's more . . . Anyways, I just had to share, what a great work is being done inside the temple!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
A Movie Moment . . .
Well our little princess is working really hard at the potty training thing, but as you parents know, it never comes without a few accidents. The other day my hubby took his little princess to the movie store to pick out a movie or two (we picked up Sweeney Todd and Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses). They were standing there and my hubby noticed the princess standing still and then noticed that there was water leaking out of her pants! It went all over the floor and she was soaked. She turned to daddy and said, "let's get out of here!" he he he he. A very comical moment that makes it hard to get mad :)
I fell off the Dieting bandwagon last night. My hubby and I were able to get out for a date! Yahoo! So we went with a couple of friends to the Texas Roadhouse Steakhouse in Riverdale (yummy food, looooonnnnnnggggggg wait). But I didn't stuff myself and still chose things that were healthy, so hopefully I won't really regret it. Keep eating your vegis! Chow!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Electric Personalities . . .
The other night we were sitting in our basement and the girls got a wild hair! He he he. They rubbed their heads on the couch until their hair stood on end. The little princess' hair went crazy because it's shorter than Cowgirl's, but wowie! They had a lot of fun.
P.S. the alkalizing is going well (ha ha, I hope it is, but not much change yet) I forgot one of my waters yesterday so I only had 3 but I have had three already today (minus the lemon juice cuz I don't think the baby likes it).
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Acid Alkaline Diet . . .
Well I am on a new adventure today. My family is unhealthy and we are trying to get healthy. My little baby seems to be very sensitive to things I eat (since I am breastfeeding) and while my hubby and I were at the Gastroentologist (fun!) he mentioned that babies are very sensitive to acidic foods. So I got online and started looking into acidic foods and WOW . . . I think I am just full of it. (I am sure my years of Mt. Dew addiction attribute to this). So upon searching I decided that my entire family has an issue with this. Our symptoms are: dry skin (excezma), low energy levels, weight gain, un-pleasant body odor (he he he, those of you who know us, know just who I am talking about), skin blemishes, headaches, body aches . . . etc. So we are going to try and fix this by going on an Alkaline Diet. Not really a diet, just a different way of eating and thinking about the stuff we put into our bodies. I have been wanting to be more "organic" for a while . . . so we shall see. But I bought an online book / course and thought it may be fun to have to "return and report" to you out there on our progress (keeping me accountable to someone). So I am also going to share the weeks challenges in case anyone out there is interested in doing it with us! So here's the first week's to-do's. (see link to the right for the official website)
#1. Pour water into FOUR tall glasses. If you have lemons or limes (I used lemon juice), squeeze a slice into each of the glasses. Then put a small pinch of baking soda in each glass, give it a quick stir. Drink one glass right now and set the other 3 aside. Drink these before you go to sleep tonight. Why? Because the most important part about alkalizing is hydrating with good, alkaline waters . . . and you must start this right now!
#2. Grab a pen and a piece of paper. Go to your fridge and write down everything you have in the fridge. Circle all the RAW vegetables (not frozen, cooked, fried, nuked, toasted, boiled or sauteed). Do you have enough for a big fresh salad? If you do, make a point of eating the biggest salad you can make with your next meals of the day. If you don't make sure you go shopping for salad stuff right away.
#3. Use the same pen and paper and write down everything you eat and drink today. Be sure not to miss anything . . . if it passed your lips, it goes on the list. Then circle everything that was frozen, cooked, fried, nuked, toasted, boiled, or sauteed. Everything you circled was probably acidic!
Okay so what will we accomplish with these steps?
*You began hydrating your body for better health
*You took a tally of what you have to work with
*You (hopefully) will be adding a significant alkaline food to the rest of your meals today.
*You started to take note of what you are feeding your body
*You started to ALKALIZE!
Ann says: That was fun! he he he. Anyways, I'll post my progress and next weeks challenges on Monday the 14th. This may be fun, so let me know if you are doing it and how it's going for you! Chow!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
General Conference . . . .
Well the 178th annual General Conference was on Sunday and what a spirit. I just wanted to share my two cents on the meeting. I really enjoyed all of the talks (both on Saturday and Sunday). I liked the take on tithing by Elder Child in the Sunday Morning Session (I didn't get his first name) his comment was "tithing is the best investment". We have been learning about investing thru the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace classes and this made a lot of sense to me.
My favorite talk was, of course, Elder M. Russell Ballard on mothers. A different take this time then the last "infamous" talk on motherhood last conference. He he he. One of my favorite sayings from his talk was, "focus on doing it a little more, and getting it done a little less." Motherhood is truly a blessing, but who's to say that blessings don't come with challenges.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Angel Baby . . .
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Celebrate good times!!!!!
Hear Ye, Hear Ye . . .
I just have to announce that my little princess finally decided to let her poopies swim in the potty! Yeah! She got a present and hopefully we made a big enough scene that she will do it again! She's getting so big now! Also my oldest daughter, the Cowgirl, got really good grades on her report card for the term. She is so smart and it's so much fun to see her do well. Wow, it sure is fun to see these princesses grow. I love being a mom!
I just have to announce that my little princess finally decided to let her poopies swim in the potty! Yeah! She got a present and hopefully we made a big enough scene that she will do it again! She's getting so big now! Also my oldest daughter, the Cowgirl, got really good grades on her report card for the term. She is so smart and it's so much fun to see her do well. Wow, it sure is fun to see these princesses grow. I love being a mom!
My favorite things . . .
Okay so here is another one of my favorite things. It's the Graco Sweet Peace Newborn Soothing center (fancy wording for a baby swing) We bought this after the baby decided that she wanted to be held 24/7. It was definitely worth the money. It swings in three directions, the seat vibrates, it plays music (with a volumn button), it plays sounds such as a heartbeat in the womb, water flowing, thunderstorm, and it even can hold your car seat instead of the basket on there. Anyways, it was a GREAT investment (although we did have to return the motor because it was squeeking, but Babies R Us took it right back and got us a new one). Anyways, another one of my favorite things :)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Safety measures . . . .
I am editing my postings to make it a little safer for my kids and family. I will be using "code names" and initials and things so that I protect them from creepies. Most everyone who views my blog should know us and will know who I am talking about. Email me if you ever have any questions. Love ya!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
My masterpiece . . .
Okay so today I have been a busy blogger I promise this will be my last post for the day :) But I couldn't pass up my little baby picture. I ordered this fun rainbow wrap from beadwithme (see their link to the right) to use for pictures and just love the look, there's some other pictures on my photography blog with my niece using it too. Anyways, she's a beauty ain't she! My kids . . . my masterpieces!
Digital Scrapbooking . . .
Happy Birthday to my princess . . .
Grandma made her a Princess Birthday cake. She was so excited. Her aunts J&P decorated it for her. What a great job!
She decided to lick the frosting off the doll like a lollipop!
She decided to lick the frosting off the doll like a lollipop!
My princess' birthday is today (Yup, she's our April Fool, he he he) and we had a party for her with family on Sunday. It was a lot of fun to have the family over and very nice of my family to travel all the way to Mars to see us. She is now 3 and we almost had her potty trained before she got there, but she seems to be struggling with letting the poopies swim in the toilet. (Oh the funny ways we can toilet talk :) But she will get there soon! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS!
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