Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Long time no post

Ok~ so it's been a long time and no post so we will do a little update (not that there's a lot to update) but~ I have been crazy busy with my photography workshops and while they were successful (I think) I am glad they are done with. I have all sorts of ideas for "expanding" my business but am just trying to think of the right way to go about it, so we shall see :)

Hubby is working with his dad in Provo right now on a Hotel and is hating the drive, so . . . he was super excited (not) when he found out his next job will be in Payson! At least it is another Walgreen's building so he can get it done in just a few months, but we are planning on him staying out there one or two nights a week :(

Cowgirl is sick today (throwing up all night, boo) but for the most part a healthy beautiful girl. She LOVES the video game Zelda and has told us (and many other people) that she thinks Link is "dreamy". She is growing up fast and I am happy to say, really has no interest in boys :) (BIG SMILE).

Princess is a hoot, she makes us laugh continually by the things she says. She has "graduated" from the nursery and says that she is a Sun Blink now (it's supposed to be sunbeam). When she sings the song it goes like this, "Jesus wants me for a sun BLINK" (as she blinks her eyes hard). Funny Funny Girl.

Baby is just the happiest little thing ever! Her smile is the cutest thing, she has 5 teeth and will be one on February 25th. She has been sleeping all night for 4 nights now (keep our fingers crossed) now I just wish that Princess and Cowgirl would do the same, he he he. Baby is super close to walking and seems like she has been since she started to crawl but she is cautious so we still haven't made it too far. She is a little dolly who LOVES her daddy.

We love our family and are super excited for DAVE and KATHRYN to have their little man! YAY! So that's the run down for us these days and ya know life is grand.


The VanDyke's :) said...

The "Sun Blinks" is the funniest thing I have heard all day. What a cute family you have.

Amber said...

I'm glad your family is doing so well. They are so cute.