Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The gift of life . . .


This is Cody's aunt Carol (on the right) and her liver donor's mother Jeri (on the left). Jeri contacted Carol after she wrote her "donor letter" and they have been friends since the first time they spoke. Jeri's son, Sebastian passed away at the young age of 16 and since Carol had lost sooooo much weight she was able to receive his liver through transplant. Sebastian was Jeri's only child and she is now alone, no parents, no siblings, no other children and Sebastian's father hasn't been around since he was two. We love her, we love her for who she is and for the strength she brings. We also love Carol and can remember all to well the days in waiting. Not hoping for someone to die, but hoping for the chance to live. We are sooooooo grateful for the ways the Lord works and know that Sebastian had things he needed to do at home and that Carol has things she needs to do here. WE LOVE YOU BOTH!


The VanDyke's :) said...

Wow! What an amazing story. What neat ladies.

Megan and Jon said...

How awesome is that. The even kinda look alike like they were meant to know each other.

Holly said...

What a story! I am so glad that you shared! What a great example to look up to!

Chan said...

Amazing...that is a story of true selflessness...Just what this holiday season needs more of. Thank you!