Friday, December 21, 2012

Foundation + Foundation

Because we decided to do a wrap around porch around the ENTIRE HOUSE we decided that the best way to accomplish this was to do pretty much 2 foundations.  One for the house and one for the porch. We could do spot footings for the porch but we worried about critters getting under the porch and dealing with that all of our days, so we spent the extra $2000+ and did a complete foundation for the porch.  Again Cody and his family and friends worked their TAILS off and poured 84 yards of concrete in one day (the house will have a craw space so they not only poured two foundations they poured the subfloor for the craw space so we can use it as storage!)  WHAT MEN!  I can not express how grateful I am for hard working men.  This is a picture of them putting up the forms.  I can't find any of them actually pouring or taking down the forms (which they did in the rain and MUD) ... but you get the idea ~ AWESOME MEN!

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