Monday, March 24, 2008

Parenting Princesses . . .

I thought I might share some thoughts on parenting girls. Since my hubby and I have three beautiful princesses I come across beauty battles all day . . .
So here are a few items on my list of "you know you are a mother of a princess when . . ."

*you sort your laundry with whites, darks and PINK!

*3 hours of your day are spent doing hair.

*your hubby dresses up in princess outfits and plays barbie.

*your daughter sees the temple and she calls it her castle (there's a great lesson here).

*your daughter greets you by saying, "your highness".

*she goes to church with glitter in her hair.

and many more . . . I sure am lucky to have these beautiful princesses lent to me by our Heavenly King. I only pray that they will always remember how precious they are and their royalty.

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