Thursday, June 12, 2008

My first TAG . . .

Scattegories Tag
It's harder than it looks! Use the first letter of your first name to answer each of the following. They have to be real places, names, things - nothing made up. You can not use your own name for the boy/girl names.

1. What is your name? Ann
2. A 4 letter word: aunt
3. A vehicle: Arcadia
4. A city: Anaheim
5. A boy's name: Andy
6. A girl's name: Alexis
7. Dessert: Apple pie
8. An occupation: Artist
9. Something you wear: Arm Band - stretching it here.
10. A celebrity: Ariel (she's a celebrity right!)
11. Food: Asparagus (yuck, how did I think of that)
12. Something found in a bathroom: Air Freshners :)
13. Reason for being late: Alarm Clock didn't go off
14. Something you shout: AHHHHWWWWWWW!
15. An animal: Alligator
16. A body part: Arm
17. Word to describe yourself: AMAZING, he he he he!

I now tag: Marissa, Amy, Kathryn, and Tarisa! You're it!

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