Friday, December 21, 2012

Sheets of snow!

Our biggest push with the county near the end was to get our house dried in.  PLEASE let us start building our house! We wanted to get started, get going, get building!  So~ when the snow started to come we were VERY anxious to get it "dried in".  Cody had me painting water sealant on the sub floor so that it wouldn't get ruined or squeak (I don't know if Cody hates anything more than a squeaky floor, I am sure there is, I just can't think of it now, lol).  We spent Thanksgiving day as a little family putting tar on the foundation and roasting marsh mellows on the wood pile.

We needed a roof!  Here's some pictures of the framers working in the cold and snow getting the sheeting going.

I have to admit, my favorite part up to this point was seeing the porch posts go up!  I am SO grateful to a husband who despite the cost is letting me have my DREAM of a wrap around porch that goes around the entire house!  It makes me giddy like the little girl inside me who dreamed about it!  I sure love him ;)

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