Well I am on a new adventure today. My family is unhealthy and we are trying to get healthy. My little baby seems to be very sensitive to things I eat (since I am breastfeeding) and while my hubby and I were at the Gastroentologist (fun!) he mentioned that babies are very sensitive to acidic foods. So I got online and started looking into acidic foods and WOW . . . I think I am just full of it. (I am sure my years of Mt. Dew addiction attribute to this). So upon searching I decided that my entire family has an issue with this. Our symptoms are: dry skin (excezma), low energy levels, weight gain, un-pleasant body odor (he he he, those of you who know us, know just who I am talking about), skin blemishes, headaches, body aches . . . etc. So we are going to try and fix this by going on an Alkaline Diet. Not really a diet, just a different way of eating and thinking about the stuff we put into our bodies. I have been wanting to be more "organic" for a while . . . so we shall see. But I bought an online book / course and thought it may be fun to have to "return and report" to you out there on our progress (keeping me accountable to someone). So I am also going to share the weeks challenges in case anyone out there is interested in doing it with us! So here's the first week's to-do's. (see link to the right for the official website)
#1. Pour water into FOUR tall glasses. If you have lemons or limes (I used lemon juice), squeeze a slice into each of the glasses. Then put a small pinch of baking soda in each glass, give it a quick stir. Drink one glass right now and set the other 3 aside. Drink these before you go to sleep tonight. Why? Because the most important part about alkalizing is hydrating with good, alkaline waters . . . and you must start this right now!
#2. Grab a pen and a piece of paper. Go to your fridge and write down everything you have in the fridge. Circle all the RAW vegetables (not frozen, cooked, fried, nuked, toasted, boiled or sauteed). Do you have enough for a big fresh salad? If you do, make a point of eating the biggest salad you can make with your next meals of the day. If you don't make sure you go shopping for salad stuff right away.
#3. Use the same pen and paper and write down everything you eat and drink today. Be sure not to miss anything . . . if it passed your lips, it goes on the list. Then circle everything that was frozen, cooked, fried, nuked, toasted, boiled, or sauteed. Everything you circled was probably acidic!
Okay so what will we accomplish with these steps?
*You began hydrating your body for better health
*You took a tally of what you have to work with
*You (hopefully) will be adding a significant alkaline food to the rest of your meals today.
*You started to take note of what you are feeding your body
*You started to ALKALIZE!
Ann says: That was fun! he he he. Anyways, I'll post my progress and next weeks challenges on Monday the 14th. This may be fun, so let me know if you are doing it and how it's going for you! Chow!